Nurturing and supporting the congregation of Good Shepherd in the spirit of compassion, hope and love in Jesus Christ.
Member Attendance
This committee calls and writes to those members whose attendance at Good Shepherd Church has dropped asking them to return to the love of Good Shepherd.
Military Support
The Military Support Group was created to bring families of military together to pray and to share concerns. A bulletin board in the Cranberry Room is designated to display photos and location of members and family of members who are serving in the military. Regularly members write to our military and send care boxes.
Adopt a College Student and Valentine Boxes
The Adopt a College Student program at Good Shepherd helps our congregation reach out to and stay in touch withour college students. The program matches up church members with students starting college in September and lasts until the beginning of May. In February, Good Shepherd college students and military members receive a Valentine box full of surprises and love.
Grief Ministry
The death of a loved one is an intense and painful experience for most people. Having the right support makes all the difference. Good Shepherd provides a series of books which helps people through the grief process. One book at a time is mailed over a year’s period. Each book helps the reader better understand what he or she is experiencing and provides hope and encouragement.
Prayer Shawl
Care and the love of knitting and crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. The Prayer Shawl ministry begins each shawl with a prayer for the recipient and many blessings are knitted into every shawl. The shawls are given to those who need to be wrapped, comforted and enfolded in love. The members of the ministry meet every1st and 3rd Tuesday in the Church Parlor.
Angel Meals
When people are going through a stressful time such as an illness, a death in the family, or the joy of a new baby, they can be exhausted both physically and emotionally. Receiving a call from someone saying they will be bringing dinner may make all the difference. The dedicated meal makers provide just that relief.
The Undershepherds Team
The mission of the Undershepherds Team is to support the members of the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church community who are going through a serious illness or surgery, recovering from surgery or coping with the loss of a loved one. We also tend to elders confined to home, nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Our activities include visitation, sending of cards and phone calls. Team members deliver gift bags at Easter and poinsettias and gift bags during the Christmas holiday.
The Undershepherds Team meets on the first Sunday of every month after church services. Our monthly activities are aided by an easily accessible list of the people-in-need, which is always on-line and current.
Prayer Chain
The Good Shepherd Prayer Chain consists of a list of folks who believe in the miracle of prayer and will pray for others.The prayer request is sent via e-mail. One does not have to be a member of Good Shepherd to request prayer; however, you must be a member of the Prayer Chain ministry to be able to receive a prayer request email.