Access ACS

Good Shepherd members can review their contact information, giving history and membership roster through Access ACS.

Click Here to get started.

Then click the link where it says “ and use the same email address that is on file with the church.


What can I do with Access ACS?

Once you create a login and sign into Access ACS, you can:

  • Click the My Complete Profile to see the contact information that the church has for you.  (Click the pencil icon to edit this information and submit your changes to the church office)
  • Click the My Giving History to review your financial gifts to the church.  (Please note that this information may not be current as your most recent contributions are waiting to be posted by the bookkeeper)
  • Click the My Pledge History to review your pledges to the church.

The link labeled My Scheduled Giving is used to review your online giving through ACS.  You can schedule gifts to the General Fund and various missions through Access ACS.  Gifts to missions, payments for Wednesday night dinners, etc. are still available through the Vanco access which can be accessed from the “Give” page.

Member Directory

You can search for a specific member using the “Search” feature on the Home Page.  Go to the Directories menu at the top of the Access ACS page to view a complete membership directory.


To learn more about Access ACS and the Church Life App, go to the ACS Learning Center