Our Local Missions include:
- Clifton Sanctuary Ministries – Provides shelter to homeless men and help them to get medical help, jobs, and transition to being self-sufficient. We fundraise via our annual Pig Roast, collect clothing, hygiene items, and provide volunteers to assist with evening responsibilities.
- Lilburn Cooperative Ministry – Helping those in the local community with food, clothing, furniture. We have food drives & donate produce from our Community Garden
- Stand Up For Kids – Helping to end the cycle of teen homelessness. We collect items for snack & hygiene packs, hold fundraising, and volunteer for sorting & street crews.
- Thornwell Home for Children – Providing children a home environment for families in crisis. We have work days, collect children’s clothing & gifts, and sponsor a cottage on the grounds.
- Christmas Joy Offering – PC USA Initiatives – Monetary support of PC (USA) initiatives
- One Great Hour of Sharing – PC USA Initiatives – Monetary support of PC (USA) initiatives
Featured Local Missions

StandUp for Kids is a nationally recognized non-profit charity that works directly with thousands of homeless youth across the country. Good Shepherd is proud to support StandUp for Kids in Gwinnett County with financial support, gathering of supplies for homeless students, participating in mentoring programs at local high schools and providing mentor volunteers. Learn more about SUFK at Standupforkids.org/

Good Shepherd support Thornwell by providing financial support and volunteers to the Thornwell Home for Children in Clinton, SC. We also provide office space for a social worker providing support for families in Gwinnett County. Read more about Thornwell at thornwell.org/

Lilburn Co-op is a Christian ministry serving the needs of individuals and families in our area, as well as the members of all our supporting churches. Good Shepherd provides financial support for the Co-op along with running food drives to stock the pantry. Discovery more about Lilburn Co-op at lilburnco-op.org/

Clifton Sanctuary Ministry provides a transitional services for homeless men through comprehensive life skills training, purposeful and assertive case management, and collaborative community partnerships. Good Shepherd is a long-time supporter of this ministry through our dedicated volunteers, providing financial support, serving meals twice a month and providing board members. Learn more about Clifton at www.cliftonsanctuary.com/
Community Events & Outreach
- Preschool & Extended Care – Providing a loving Christian learning environment in which all children are special
- Girl Scout Troop – we sponsor girl scouts by providing facilities and leadership
- Farmer’s Market – we host the Lilburn Farmer’s Market on Fridays throughout the summer months.
- Community Garden – Providing the community garden plots to put their green thumbs in action.
- International Student Activities – Welcoming international college & high school students to share their culture & learn more of American cultures. An open invitation to the community and international students at Christmastime to fellowship with dinner & share traditions.
- Trunk-or- Treat – An open invitation to the community to participate in trunk-or-treat, games, hayrides, and other fall fun.
Featured World Missions
Haiti EcoVillage School Partnership – Good Shepherd is a founding member of a partnership to build a sustainable, nationally-recognized school in the EcoVillages of Haiti. The EcoVillage community was built for survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti using funds provided, in part, from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. We started the school partnership to provide education to the community’s children and surrounding area.

Operation Christmas Child – Good Shepherd supports and promotes this ministry that provides shoeboxes full of gifts for children and share the love of Christ around the world at Christmas time.