Iglesia El Buen Pastor Fellowship is the Hispanic ministry led by Commissioned Lay Pastor Marlucia Damaceno Crispim and her husband Igor Terrazas. At present, the three main areas of focus are:
Weekly services for the multicultural, Hispanic congregation composed of people from 8+ Latin American countries,
2) Community outreach activities, and
3) the GSPC Hispanic Literacy Program and Library.
Weekly activities include a Sunday morning church worship service for adults (with a nursery provided for small children), a Tuesday evening prayer meeting and bible study, and the sharing of food donations; marriage seminars and women’s programs are also held at various times.

Participants in the Good Shepherd Hispanic Literacy Program
Community outreach activities include conducting summer soccer tournaments, assisted by a Presbytery of Greater Atlanta grant to improve the church soccer field, serving as an approved site where court-ordered community service can be done, and presenting English literacy programs.
Examples of Hispanic Literacy Program activities include celebrations for National Hispanic Heritage Month. These activities have been designed to enhance attendees’ quality of life as they live, work, worship, and raise families in the U.S. Under Program direction, Hispanic congregation members served by the Program have studied in preparation for earning a GED, taking the U.S. citizenship test, and sitting for the TOEFL exam.
Iglesia El Buen Pastor Fellowship is the Hispanic ministry led by Commissioned Lay Pastor Marlucia Damaceno Crispim and her husband Igor Terrazas.